Ladies Bible continues Tuesday, February 18th, 10am.
The group will continue with the study 'Learning to Pray'.
Location: Bethel Baptist Church Choir room.
Reminder to save the date: Ladies Retreat: February 14-15, 2025 at Camp Copass - Denton. Please see Patsy L. for more info.
Bethel Baptist offers a wide variety of activities for children of all ages.
Our Weekly Youth and Kids 4 Christ (K4C) Programs Are Now in Session Every Wednesday at 6 PM.
Wednesday's during regular school period. Please check back for special event updates.
Music has always been an important part of worship at Bethel. Our Adult Choir is a significant part of our music ministry. Our goal at each weekly choir rehearsal is to not only learn and rehearse new music but to have a close fellowship among our choir members.
The Bethel Baptist Women's ministry comes together to study God’s Word: We discuss it, pray, search our hearts, and apply His Word to our lives.
We have various activities during the year. The highlight of the year is our annual retreat in February. This is a time of fellowship and an opportunity to study God’s Word in a quiet and relaxed weekend.
We invite all women to get involved.
Children's Worship in-session each Sunday.
Each Sunday we provide a Children's Church service which runs in parallel with our Sunday Worship service.
The Silver and Still Young group will meet on the first Tuesday of each month for fellowship. Our fellowships often include eating out or the occasional potluck in our church fellowship hall. Of course, our fellowship hall gatherings always include games afterwards. Silver and Still Young extends an invitation to all ages!
PO BOX 266
8382 CR 128
Celina, Texas 75009
Bethel Baptist Homepage · Directions · 2025
This site is ultimately the product of mediated creation.
All of which has come together to suit a temporal season to us, as a part of an eternal plan to Him.